duminică, 21 februarie 2010


Pentru cei care nu stiu: notele hexacordului au fost numite dupa silabele din prima strofa a imnului "Ut queant laxis" din sec. VIII scris de Paolo Diacono si dedicat Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul:

"Ut queant laxis,
Resonare fibris,
Mira gestorum,
Famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti,
Labii reatum,
Sancte Iohannes"

"Ca sa putem cu toata vocea canta minunile tale ca ai tai servitori sterge vina de pe ale noastre buze impure Sfinte Ioan"

"So that your servants may sing at the top of their voices the wonders of your acts and absolve the faults from their stained lips."

Silaba Ut, mai greu de pronuntat, a fost inlocuita in sec. 17 cu Do. Guido d' Arezzo a aliniat pentru prima data sunetele pe un portativ. Si sau Ti a fost adaugata mai tarizu la sfarsit, ceea ce a dat nastere la scara de sapte silabe do- re -mi -fa -sol -la - ti.

"Therefore the music of a well-ordered age is calm and cheerful, and so is its government. The music of a restive age is excited and fierce, and its government is perverted. The music of a decaying state is sentimental and sad, and its government is imperiled." Lu Bu We, Spring and Autumn

"Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony?" Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

"If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

" Music is the universal language of mankind". Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882).

What is the Meaning Behind the Solfa Syllables and the universal frequencies?

Ut - preparatory tone to prepare the body, soul, and spirit to receive the next five tones (in order to receive)

Re - tone to begin resonance with the Divine (resound or balance frequencies)
Mi - tone to begin healing and extraordinary changes (miracles)
Fa - tone to seek out limitations imposed upon us (slaves to mindsets)
Sol - tone to loosen, release, unbind, untie, open, free (solve, resolve)
La - tone to open the vocal chords (release the lips)

Mai multe informatii aici:


2 comentarii:

  1. unbelievable,chiar nu am stiut asta!
    ce e ciudat...ca la orele de teorie(cand faceam vioara) nu ne-a spus nimeni despre aceste lucruri...
    dar uite ca le aflu acum,de la tine MULTUMESC!!!!:):)
