Gabriel's Message
"The Angel Gabriel from heaven came
His wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame
"All hail" said he thou Holy Maiden Mary
Most highly favoured lady Gloria
For know a blessed mother thou shalt be
All generations laud and honor thee
Thy son shall be Emmanuel as seers foretold
Most highly favoured lady Gloria
The gentle Mary meekly bowed her head
"To me, be as it pleaseth God" she said
"My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name"
Most highly favoured lady Gloria
Of her Emmanuel, the Christ was born
In Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn
And everyone through out the world will ever say
Most highly favoured lady Gloria!"
astept Craciunul de parca as fi un copil...
"Inger al Bucuriei, inalta sufletele noastre!
Adu in ele puritatea si simplitatea!
Ajuta-ne sa avem incredere in noi insine, sa recunoastem si sa folosim darurile pe care le-am primit de la Dumnezeu! Purtator al vestilor bune, invata-ne sa ascultam si sa intelegem Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu!"
Traiesc una dintre cele mai binecuvantate perioade din viata mea! In sfarsit, am inteles de ce, atunci cand ai credinta, nu mai are cum sa-ti fie frica- pentru ca esti in bratele lui Dumnezeu! Multumesc tuturor acelora care mi-au indreptat pasii pe acest drum! In sfarsit, stiu cine sunt si ce forta zace in mine! Am inlemnit...
De astazi nu mai imi doresc nimic in afara de acest lucru: "Doamne, cum doresti si cum stii, miluieste-ma!"
Doamne Ajuta-ne!
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