sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2015

poetry. just poetry.

Imi suna a Psalm cantecul asta... un anume Psalm care mi-e drag tare mie, asa.

I'd lie down in darkness with devils
And awaken with strangers that I never knew

I'd follow the hoofbeat of heartache

If I thought they'd lead me to you

There's so little magic in morning 

Butterflies in your eyes and a tear drop or two 

I'd run through the dawning with danger

If I could be running to you

If I cry down to God in the morning

'Who am I? Where am I? Why am I still alone?'

He'd probably show me a highway

Leading to you and to home

There's so little magic in midnight

Fireflies in your eyes and a sparkle or two

I'd dance through the darkness with danger

If I could be dancing to you

If love gives you life or takes lifetime

I'll give love or take love to you

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